Having a child should be one of the most joyful times of your life. Unfortunately, due to medical mistakes that can occur during pregnancy, delivery, or afterwards, this isn’t always the case. In Massachusetts, our Boston medical malpractice lawyers represent families whose children have sustained serious birthing injuries because of negligence by a gynecologist, obstetrician, or some other medical professional.
Common causes of birthing injuries:
• Forceps misuse • Vacuum extraction misuse
• Failure to properly monitor the vitals of both the baby and mother • Inadequate prenatal care
• Not responding to fetal distress quickly enough • Delay performing a needed C-section • Improper administration of Pitocin • Poor post-delivery care • Circumcision mistakes
Common birthing injuries:
• Forceps bruising • Caput succedaneum, often caused by vacuum extraction • Cephalohematoma • Facial paralysis, which can be caused by improper forceps use • Brachial Palsy • Cerebral Palsy • Fractured bones • Brain damage
It is devastating to a parent anytime a child is hurt, but for a son or daughter to suffer permanent injuries while being brought in the world is catastrophic. It is also an error that can leave a family not just with lifelong medical expenses but with permanent damage in that their child will never have the life they had dreamed for them and their family life will be irrevocably altered because of someone’s else’s careless mistakes.
In addition to injuries to the infant, mothers too are at risk of serious injuries, including a ruptured uterus, organ injuries, lacerations to the rectum, which can cause other serious health complications, C-section related injuries, anesthesia mistakes, and death.
Birth Injury
Birth Injuries and Cerebral Palsy, Nolo
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