Over the years, our Boston nursing home negligence law firm has blogged about the serious injuries that can result when a Massachusetts nursing home patient is subject to serious abuse or neglect. While such incidents are never the victim’s fault, we’ve talked about steps that family members can take beforehand to decrease the chances of placing their loved one in the hands of negligent nursing staff and caregivers.
Such preventive measures have included visiting the nursing home beforehand to check out the facilities, level of sanitary conditions, whether current patients seem happy there, and if staff seem competent at their job and appear to take a genuine interest in their patients. We’ve also talked about how important it was to visit the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services online to find out how the government has rated particular facility and how each nursing home under consideration compares with others in terms of health inspections, staffing, and other quality measures.
Now, the CMS is providing even more in-depth information for you to peruse when deciding where to place your loved one. Rather than having to submit a Freedom of Information act request or ask a nursing home for more specifics about why it received a particularly high or low rating, you can go to Nursing Home Compare online and choose to see the entire text of the report that nursing home inspectors have filed on a particular facility. This will hopefully provide families with even more information when deciding where their loved one should receive treatment/live.