Emerson College has promised to improve its investigation of campus sexual assaults after a group of students filed a complaint with the federal government against the school.
The complaint was filed last week with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Two of the complainants, sophomore Sarah Tedesco, 19, and junior Jillian Doherty had alleged that Emerson had downplayed and failed to fully investigate at least two separate sexual assault incidents. The complainants also alleged that Emerson violated their rights under Title IX and the Clery Act which states that:
If a school or its employees knows or reasonably should know about sexual harassment (including sexual violence), the school must take immediate action to eliminate the sexual harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects, even if the victim does not want to file a complaint.
Last October, Tedesco had been drugged and assaulted by an MIT student during an off-campus party. Though Tedesco had been hospitalized, Emerson administrators had discouraged Tedesco from talking to police and stated that they would handle the case through their own judicial system.
But Tedesco is now alleging that her school mishandled her case, closing it after several months because according to administrators, “it did not warrant a hearing.” In a second, separate incident, in which Tedesco was assaulted, Tedesco reported the incident to school administrators who again downplayed her complaint. According to Tedesco, her attackers still remain at their respective schools and have yet to face any judicial punishment.
Both Tedesco and Doherty said that filing the complaint was made in an effort pursue changes within the school’s procedures for handling assault cases; not just because of their experiences, but for the sake of all present and future victims of sex crimes.
In response to the complaint, Emerson president, M. Lee Pelton, said a number of steps, including the hiring of a “sexual assault advocate” to support sexual assault victims as well as the establishment of preventative programs, will be taken to properly handle and prevent future similar incidents.
While sexual abuse is a serious crime typically handled by law enforcement, what many victims do not know is that they may also be eligible to file a civil claim against the perpetrator or institution employing the perpetrator. In this case, both schools in which the alleged attackers are enrolled had the responsibility to thoroughly investigate the incidents and administer the necessary disciplinary action.
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