A pedestrian suffered a serious injury after being struck by a car in a hit-and-run accident.
Worcester police responded to a Summer Street residence after reports a man was struck by a small, white, foreign vehicle. Witnesses told police that the victim flew onto the hood of the vehicle before rolling off, and falling to the pavement. The victim is reportedly in good condition and recovering at a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
Unfortunately, pedestrian traffic accidents account for more than 13% of all traffic-related fatalities and 3% of all personal injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) a pedestrian is injured every eight minutes and one pedestrian dies every two hours as the result of a traffic accident in the United States. Approximately 20% of all pedestrian car accidents according to the NHTSA, are also hit-and-run accidents. While we do not have much information about this particular incident, what can be assumed is that this young lady was walking during the early morning hours; at a time where there was minimal daylight.
In order to prevent an accident and keep themselves visible to motorists, pedestrians should always: -Wear bright or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight when walking during the early hours of the morning, at dusk, or at night. -Walk on sidewalks (whenever possible) and walk against the traffic when there are no sidewalks. -Cross at designated crosswalks whenever possible.
In addition, drivers can prevent pedestrian accidents by:
-Yielding to the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing streets in marked or unmarked crosswalks.
-Yielding to pedestrians while turning at intersections or onto another street.
-Being vigilant and aware of pedestrians walking at night, when it is dark out.
-Slowing near major crosswalks.
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