According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, falling and fighting are the top causes of eye injuries requiring hospitalization. As the number one cause, falling was responsible for more than 8,425 hospitalizations over a 10-year period. Fights came in at a close second, resulting in nearly 8,000 hospitalizations. During that same time period, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that the cost to treat eye injuries in hospitals spiked by 62 percent to more than $20,000 per injury. Contact a Boston Injury Lawyer Today.
The Rising Cost of Eye Injuries
Johns Hopkins study: In response to the significant rise in costs, researchers at Johns Hopkins University set out to determine the most common causes of serious eye injuries, and their associated costs for hospitalization. Between 2002 and 2011, the researchers studied nearly 47,000 ocular trauma patients between the ages of 0 and 80. In addition to identifying the type and cause of injury and the associated cost, they also looked at length of hospital stay.
Serious ocular trauma injury: These largely preventable injuries have become extremely expensive to treat. Common eye injuries include orbital fractions and being pierced by a sharp object. Slip and fall accidents were blamed for 3,000 of the eye injuries reported during the 10-year period. “Unarmed fight or brawl” was cited as the second most common cause of eye injuries requiring hospitalization, but it the most common for individuals between the ages of 10 and 59.
Eye injuries in children: For kids under the age of 10, being accidentally struck by a person or object was the number one cause of ocular trauma. But there is also merit to the oft-shouted warning, “don’t run with scissors,” as the number two cause was being pierced by a sharp object, such as scissors.
The cost: Ophthalmologists studying the spike in healthcare costs for eye injuries are not yet certain of the cause. However, they did discover that costs tend to be higher for older patients and at large hospitals. The patient’s income does not appear to affect the cost. The median cost of treating eye injuries rose from $12,430 in 2002 to $20,116 in 2011. According to the study’s lead researcher, Christina Prescott, M.D., Ph.D., “It could be related to drug prices or administrative costs. Either way, it’s clear we need more targeted interventions to help reduce these types of injuries, many of which are preventable. Continue reading