For anybody, but especially the elderly and the physically disabled, a simple slip or fall can result in horrendous pain, suffering and medical expenses. It is not uncommon for the elderly to fracture multiple bones after a slip or fall, and 818 workplace deaths were caused by slips and falls in 2014, according to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, one of the leading causes of death for American workers. Many times, a slip or a fall is simply a tragic accident. Perhaps the floor hadn’t dried completely after cleaning, or there was a shoe left in the middle of a hallway or you simply lost your balance. These things happen, and hopefully you are covered by insurance or other means to get the medical treatment you need.
In other cases, however, your slip or fall may have been directly caused by the negligence of an employer, a property owner or a business. In these cases, where a tragic fall or slip could have been foreseen and prevented, you have a legal right to seek damages from the perpetrating party and they are fully, legally responsible for your pain, suffering and medical expenses that result from the incident. If you have suffered from a slip and fall accident whether at work or as the result of someone’s negligence give us a call and speak to an experienced Boston injury lawyer to find out what rights you have and what benefits you may immediately be entitled to.
Some responsibilities for preventing falls and slips on flooring include the following. If these steps are not taken, those who failed to maintain these precautions may be liable for your fall.