This has been a glorious day for most people in the Boston area, with high temperatures drawing walkers, bikers, runners, and dog-walkers out into the sunshine. The day also held hopes of being a great one for motorcyclists to speed along in in one of the first warm breezes of the year. Unfortunately, however, the day has not been so bright for all. Around noon today, a motorcyclist was involved with a collision with a car near an intersection in Allston, causing the biker serious, life-threatening injuries. The collision occurred along Commonwealth Avenue at the intersection with Harvard Avenue, one of the city’s busiest intersections and a stop on the above-ground “B” train of the MBTA’s Green Line.
Although most motorcyclists wear (or should wear) helmets, motorcyclists generally have no other form of protection from outside forces, including weather, concrete, trees, and–as was the case here–other cars. While car and truck drivers at least have a physically separating them from other cars, motorcyclists (and bicyclers) have no such protection, so contact with another vehicle is typically direct and, therefore, quite dangerous.
Our thoughts and sympathies are with the injured rider and his family.