
Spine Doctor Accused of Massachusetts Sexual Assault

A grand jury in Worcester County has indicted Dr. Ho Yin “Aaron” Shiu on one count of rape and multiple counts of indecent assault and battery. Shiu is a spine doctor. The indictments revolve around allegations involving two women.

One of the alleged victims, a 42-year-old woman, said that Shiu sexually violated her at Mass Memorial Medical Center during an appointment in 2013. The other woman, also a patient, claims that he assaulted her at AdCare hospital.

Last month, Shiu went into a voluntary, non-disciplinary agreement with Massachusetts’s Board of Registration Medicine not to practice in the state. By agreeing not to practice, Shiu is not admitting to wrongdoing.

Sexual Assault as Massachusetts Medical Malpractice
Sexual assault is a crime. It can also be grounds for a Boston personal injury case against the assailant and others that could/should have prevented the sex crime from happening. In a case where a physician is accused of rape or sexual assault, the alleged victim may choose to pursue damages not only against the doctor but also against the hospital or other medical facility where the crime happened.

Doctors and other medical professionals have a unique relationship with patients in that they gain access to them in ways that few others are allowed. When a medical professional abuses that privilege with unwanted, inappropriate, sexual, or violent advances, such actions violate that trust and can cause serious physical, psychological, and emotional harm.

Unfortunately, sex crimes involving medical professionals as the assailants do happen. Many incidents go unreported, covered up, or occur covertly under the guise of the physician performing a “more thorough exam.”

In Massachusetts, you may be able to file a Boston medical malpractice case over your sex assault injuries. If you’ve been the victim of sexual misconduct by a doctor, nurse, psychologist, gynecologist, dentist, or another professional, contact Altman & Altman, LLP today.
UMass doctor indicted on sex assault charges, NewsTelegram, November 19, 2014

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