At least 30 fans were injured today when a racecar at the Daytona International Speedway flew from the track through the fence and into the grandstands. No fatalities have been reported. The racecar collision involving multiple vehicles happened as they came toward the finish line. A car, driven by rookie…
Boston Injury Lawyer Blog
Boston Surgical Errors Often Lead to Massachusetts Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Surgical procedures often come with risks, including possible complications and infections. This is just one of the reasons why you want your surgeon to do the procedure right the first time. Unfortunately, that isn’t always what happens and serious Boston injury and wrongful death can result. If you or someone…
Cambridge, MA Truck Accident Lawsuit Filed by Family of Lobbyist James Holway is Settled for $750,000
The family of lobbyist James “Jimmy” W. Holway has settled its Cambridge truck accident lawsuit over his 2006 Massachusetts wrongful death. Holway was killed on September 11, 2006 after a construction vehicle that didn’t have working rear brakes in West Yarmouth hit his car. According to the Holway family’s Cambridge…
First Boston Bus Accident Lawsuit Filed in Soldier Field Road Overpass Crash
A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of 16-year-old Matthew Cruz. The teenager is still in the hospital after he sustained critical injuries when the bus he was a passenger in crashed into a low overpass on Soldier Field Road. 35 people were injured. The vehicle had been transporting students…
Five Sent to Hospital, One Dead in Separate Massachusetts Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents
In a Brockton, MA carbon monoxide poisoning incident, three adults and two kids were treated at a local hospital when they fell ill after trying to heat an apartment using a gas stove. In an unrelated Boston carbon monoxide poisoning accident, a 14-year-old boy died after he warmed himself up…
Wellesley, MA 18-Wheeler Truck Truck Accident Lawsuit Filed in Bicyclist’s Wrongful Death
Although no criminal charges are going to be filed against trucker Dana E.A. McCoomb, the family of bicyclist Alexander Motsenigos has gone ahead and filed a Wellesley, MA truck accident lawsuit over his wrongful death. Motsenigos, 41, he leaves behind a wife and young son, 6. He was killed last…
Play Yard Injuries Will Hopefully Decrease with Danny’s Law
Beginning the last day of this month, play yard manufacturers and importers will have to make sure that their products satisfy new federal safety standards. The framed enclosures for infants and toddlers have been linked to many injuries in recent years. Just between 2007 and 2011, the Consumer Product Safety…
1999 Springfield, MA Police Brutality Case Gets New Hearing to Determine Damages
More than 13 years after a Springfield cop allegedly beat a convenience store owner and her adult kids, the Supreme Judicial Court has ordered a new hearing to determine how much the city and Officer Ronald Boykan owe Lucy Jones and her family. Jones claims that Boykan entered her store…
Boston, Massachusetts Bus Crash that Injured 35 Occurred at Bridge Overpass on Soldiers Field Road that Lacked Necessary Warnings
Three days after a terrible Boston bus crash on Soldiers Field left 35 people with injuries, police have not yet announced whether or not citations or criminal charges will be filed. The Calvary Coach had been transporting high school students and their chaperones from the Destined for a Dream Foundation…
Kringles and SCS Direct Recall High Powered Magnet Products Because They Pose An Ingestion Danger to Kids
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, two companies are recalling their high-powered magnet products over concerns that they pose an ingestion hazard to kids. This is a serious injury threat and one that our Boston child injury lawyers take seriously. The first recall involves approximately 4,200 Nanospheres Magnetic Desk…