
Boston Injury Lawyer Blog


Insult to Injury – After Brutal Winter Homeowners Insurance Rates Climb

The record-setting snowfall that plagued New England this winter generated a number of issues for local residents—causing delays in daily commutes and forcing children to stay home for an escalating number of snow days whether you had someone to watch them or not—and now the incessant snow of this winter…


OSHA Announces National Fall Prevention Campaign

Falls to a lower level are the number one cause of construction-site fatalities. With proper safety training, site maintenance and the right equipment, these accidents are largely preventable. In order to educate construction workers and employers about these dangers and reduce annual construction-site injuries and fatalities, OSHA has enacted a…


Three MA Roofers Injured Due to Preventable Scaffolding Failure

In October of 2014, three Massachusetts roofers were hospitalized following a scaffolding accident that took place at their worksite. The accident in question was easily preventable, considering the fact that these three men were standing atop a plank of spruce that was very clearly marked as being unsafe for scaffolding…


Interactive Dashboard Displays, They are Cool, But do They Need To Be Regulated?

Recently, car dashboard displays seem to be following the same technological trajectory as current smart phones. These new displays, a hot commodity for big name automakers, can perform all of the basic functions you love most about your cellphone. The interactive displays are being manufactured now to allow people to…


Drowsy Nurse Drops Newborn Baby, Fractures Skull

It’s every new parent’s worst nightmare: their newborn baby is injured while in the hospital’s care. On Tuesday morning, a veteran nurse at Uniontown Hospital in Pennsylvania accidentally dropped a 1-day-old baby while feeding and burping him in the hospital’s nursery. Though the baby suffered from a minimally displaced skull…


Putting Down Your Phone: Distracted Driving Laws in effect in N.H.

As of Wednesday, New Hampshire law makers have placed a new law in effect that prohibits drivers from using any hand-held devices. This new “hands-free” regulation has been created in hopes of reducing distraction related crashes. Reportedly there have been 116 fatal crashes over the past four years that can…

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