Most personal injury lawsuits are subject to a statute of limitations…meaning, you probably can’t sue someone because you were injured in a slip and fall accident on their property 30 years ago. But what if your injury was caused by exposure to a substance that takes decades to wreak havoc…
Boston Injury Lawyer Blog
Penn State ruling a win for whistleblowing
A judge ruled last week that attorneys for former Penn State assistant football coach, Mike McQueary, would be awarded $1.7 million for legal fees incurred from disputing treatment he received after providing information that led to the arrest of Jerry Sandusky – the former Penn State football assistant football coach…
How to Navigate the Complexities of a Head Injury Lawsuit
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1.4 million people suffer a brain injury in the United States annually. This type of injury is often the result of a motor vehicle accident, sports injury, or fall. Any kind of trauma to the head can cause a…
Blinded by a Fall: Jury Awards Pennsylvania Man $4 Million
Bill Waite was leaving a York, Pennsylvania shopping center when he tripped over an unmarked step, suffering serious injuries that left him blind. The unmarked step, which was located on an otherwise level walkway, may have resulted in the largest personal injury award in the county’s history. The property owner…
Springtime Safety – Porch and Deck Collapse Accidents
For many New Englanders, nothing beats the first warm days of spring, when we clean off our porches and decks, and bring out the grill and patio furniture. Porches, decks, and balconies provide extra space for outdoor entertaining and relaxing. But worn, improperly-designed, or dangerous decks can collapse, leading to…
Springtime means cycling season is here in Boston
Although we may have to endure another April snowstorm or two, the flowers will be blooming shortly and better weather is on the way. With the emergence of spring also comes the emergence of the bicycling season, as thousands of cyclists dust off their bikes and repopulate the crowded commutes…
How back strains become claims
A recent study completed by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute reviewed data on over 18,000 California work injury claims from accidents between 2000 and 2014 that resulted in one or more spinal fusions. The data showed that 60 percent of the claims made involving spinal fusions started off with an…
Bar closes after underage patron dies
The Angry Bull Saloon, a bar in Hartford, Conn., will not reopen following a tragic incident that occurred on March 3 involving a teenager who fell from the roof level of the building that housed the bar. An investigation by police concluded that the death of an 18-year-old female was…
Rear Mounted Bicycle Seats – Do They Meet Safety Standards?
Bicycling with your kids is healthy, good for your wallet, good for the environment, and it can be a wonderful family bonding experience. When children are too young to ride on their own, some parents still choose to bring them along for the ride, using either a rear-mounted bicycle seat…
Five Steps to Take Following a Motor Vehicle Accident in Massachusetts
Even a minor car accident can be startling. Feelings of fear, frustration, anger, and embarrassment often follow. This mix of emotions can make it difficult to determine the appropriate way to handle the next steps. However, what you say and do following a car accident can have a profoundly positive…