Most women would prefer to do a multitude of things rather than go to the gynecologist, but periodic check-ups are necessary to ensure good health. Finding a gynecologist with whom you are comfortable is the best way to make these visits at least slightly more tolerable. Fortunately, the majority of…
Boston Injury Lawyer Blog
What Caused Uber’s First Fatal Self-Driving Car Accident?
When an Uber SUV in self-driving mode struck an Arizona pedestrian in March, it was the first fatal crash of its kind. But it was far from the only accident involving an autonomous vehicle. In fact, such accidents have dominated the headlines in recent months, raising questions about the safety…
What Do I Need to Prove to Win My Slip and Fall Case in Massachusetts?
A person can fall and get injured for a variety of reasons—icy walkways, uneven pavement, intoxication, and even a bad knee or hip—to name a few. When the accident is the result of another’s negligence, the injury victim may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and…
Woman Sues Uber for Gross Negligence in Case Involving Distracted Driver
Uber and other ride-sharing services have completely changed the landscape of transportation in Boston and millions of other locations across the globe. For the most part, Uber has provided a loved, and much needed service. But the company has also attracted a lot of negative press in recent months and…
Family of Mass Shooting Victim Sues Online Gun Seller
Mass shootings have dominated the media in recent months and years, resulting in a heated debate about gun control laws nationwide. The number one question following every one of these tragedies is: How did the shooter get a gun? In many recent mass shootings, the shooter obtained the gun legally,…
Tragic Accident Raises Safety Questions About Honda Odyssey Minivan
Earlier this week, a tragic accident involving a 16-year-old boy and an automatic seat in a Honda Odyssey Minivan occurred in Cincinnati, Ohio. As he reached into the back of the minivan to retrieve tennis equipment, Kyle Plush became trapped between the vehicle’s third row of seats and its rear…
Bicycle Accident Safety as Spring Approaches
According to a recent report from the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA), serious injuries involving cyclists and pedestrians have seen a steady increase in recent years. Obviously, cycling (and walking) are healthy forms of exercise and good for the environment, but we need to increase awareness about the risks of…
Who is Liable in a Trucking Accident?
Although all motor vehicle accidents can result in complicated, drawn out legal battles with regard to liability, few are more complex than those involving large trucks. Collisions with other passenger cars generally only involve two parties—the drivers. But liability in a large truck accident can involve a long list of…
Woman Says She Was Raped by Three MSU Basketball Players in 2015
The woman, a student at MSU, was 18 at the time of the alleged rape. She filed a lawsuit, claiming that the men gang-raped her, and that the university’s counseling center discouraged her from coming forward with the allegations. According to the lawsuit, the rape occurred a week after Michigan…
Do Backup Cameras Actually Improve Safety?
Now that backup cameras have been a common feature in new vehicles for several years, research is underway to determine whether they are actually saving lives. The Los Angeles Times recently reported that, “Despite the growing prevalence of backup cameras, federal data shows that this technology hasn’t significantly cut down…