
Keep Your Kids Safe this Halloween

It’s almost time to don the witch, ninja, and princess costumes and go trick-or-treating in neighborhoods across America. It’s easy to make Halloween a safe and enjoyable holiday, but injuries can occur. Hundreds of children running around in the dark, dressed in costumes and amped up on sugar can present some hazards. With proper supervision, however, the risk of serious injury is dramatically reduced. Continue reading for tips to keep your child safe this Halloween.

Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

  • Costume safety: Brightly colored costumes are best. Of course, if your daughter wants to be a witch or vampire, bright colors probably won’t work. But you can remedy this problem with a bit of reflective tape on the dress or cape, or by having your child carry glow sticks or a flashlight. In addition, costumes should be flame resistant and not so oversized or long that they create a tripping hazard. Non-toxic face paint is preferable to full-face masks, which can easily obstruct a child’s vision.
  • Supervision: Most importantly, always supervise your child. It is never safe for a young child to go trick-or-treating on his or her own. Designate a meeting spot, in case your child becomes lost. Even better, give them a cell phone to call you, should you become separated. If you allow older children to go alone, review their route, make sure they have a cell phone, and specify what time they should be home. When trick-or-treating, children should only go to houses with lights on and should never go into a stranger’s home, even if invited. This may sound obvious, but it’s not uncommon for friendly adults to invite children beyond the threshold of the front door, and kids may feel uncomfortable saying no. Although the vast majority of adults have no harmful intentions, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Avoid pedestrian injuries: When trick-or-treating, always avoid alleys and shortcuts. Stick to well-lit streets, and stay on the sidewalks. When you must cross, use designated crosswalks if available, and teach kids to always look both ways before crossing a street. Never walk between parked cars, and keep smartphones and devices tucked away when crossing the street. Tell your children to walk, not run, when heading from house to house.
  • Drive carefully: If you are behind the wheel during trick-or-treat, keep an eye out for children at all times. Drive slowly through residential areas, turn headlights on even if it’s not very dark, and use extra caution when exiting and entering driveways. Keep your cellphone and other devices in your glovebox when driving; this is important at all times, not just during Halloween. Distracted driving kills. If you have been injured by a distracted driver.

Altman & Altman, LLP – Personal Injury Law Firm Serving All of Massachusetts

If you or a loved one has been injured due to another’s negligence, the skilled personal injury team at Altman & Altman, LLP can help. We have been protecting the rights of accident and injury victims for more than 50 years. If you’ve been harmed, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other associated costs. Our knowledgeable, compassionate legal team will help you understand your rights and options before moving forward with a legal strategy. We have an impressive track record of obtaining client compensation, and we want to help you. Don’t go through this alone. Contact Altman & Altman, LLP today for a free and confidential consultation about your case.


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