
FDA Warns Consumers of Dangerous Anti-Acne Treatments

The United States Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers who regularly use popular anti-acne treatments about rare, but potentially deadly allergic reactions.

In a statement released by the FDA yesterday, problems have been reported with topical treatments including gels, face washes, medicated pads, and other products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. The FDA said it is still unclear whether those two anti-acne ingredients, common in nearly all anti-acne treatments, are what has triggered numerous reactions, or if a combination of other ingredients may be the cause.

The most popular treatments currently on the market containing these chemicals include brands such as Proactiv, Neutrogena, MaxClarity, Oxy, Aveeno as well as many others. Officials, for now, have asked consumers to stop using the products immediately if they experience tightness of the throat, breathing problems, lightheadedness, or swelling of the eyes, face or lips. New users may test their sensitivity to these products by dabbing a small amount onto their skin for three days. If no symptoms occur, then the product will generally be safe to use and the consumer may use the product as directed.

According to an article published by WCVB, research conducted by the FDA found that there had been 131 reports of serious allergic reactions stemming from topical acne drugs in the past 44 years. Though none of these cases were fatal, 44 percent of those who reported serious symptoms had to be hospitalized. Most of the problems, according to this report, were experienced within 24 hours of the first treatment.

Regulators from the FDA continued to stress that these hypersensitivity reactions are much more serious than minor rashes or irritations often seen with skin products.

Acne products such as Proactiv and those produced by Neutrogena are especially popular among teens and young adults. Because of this warning, it is the best interest of the consumer to discontinue using these products, especially if he or she has experienced any adverse side effects.

The health and beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Many of the cosmetic and beauty products we use on a daily basis are filled with harmful, artificial chemicals that can be a serious hazard to our health. Make-up, perfume and cologne, hair products including hair dye and hair spray, deodorant, shaving and facial cream, and body lotions, all fall under the category of cosmetics. While most of these products are applied topically, they are ultimately absorbed through our skin and have the potential to adversely affect our bodies’ immune system. According to the co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, there can be more than 200 chemicals on the average woman’s body before she even leaves the house in the morning. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act does not require premarket approval for cosmetic products. Most frequently people complain of rashes or allergic reactions, but cosmetics can cause permanent injuries like disfigurement, loss of sight, hearing, or sensation, and chronic skin disease. Persons injured by cosmetic products may be able to recover from manufacturers, developers, researchers, marketers, and more.

At the law offices of Altman & Altman, our team of seasoned personal injury attorneys has helped numerous clients affected and injured by cosmetic products obtain compensation for their injuries and suffering. If you or a loved one received an injury from a cosmetic product, you may be eligible for receiving compensation for your injuries by filing a consumer products liability claim. All product makers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe for consumption and use by consumers and failing to ensure this means that should a person be injured, the company is responsible. Call our office today if you believe that you may have a case of products liability. Our attorneys pride themselves on delivering legal counsel of the highest quality and are available around the clock to assist clients with every aspect of their case.

Original article posted by WCVB.

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