
Boston Slip and Fall Cases Give Victims A Chance at Financial Recovery

A Massachusetts slip accident on a banana peel, a wet floor, or an icy patch on the sidewalk that causes a fall accident might not seem like a big deal in theory, but, in truth, it can cause serious injuries to the person involved. Back injuries, broken hips, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and even death all have been known to happen in Boston slip and fall accidents, and unless you get legal help, you may find yourself in a deep financial hole with seeming no way out even as you cope with all the other painful ramifications of being involved in this type of incident.

At Altman & Altman, LLP, our Boston premises liability lawyers have more than half a century’s experience assisting Massachusetts slip and fall accident victims get the financial compensation that they are owed. We also have Masachusetts workers’ compensation attorneys that can help employees make sure that they receive all the work injury benefits they are entitled to for their slip/step/stump/trip and fall accident that occurred on the job.

Slip and fall claims are usually based on incidents that occurred on someone else’s property. The premise may be a private one, like someone’s home, a public one, such as a city park or a sidewalk, or a property that is owned by and entity and frequented by members of the public, such as a stadium, a shopping mall, or a supermarket.

If the property owner could/should have prevented the Boston slip and fall accident from happening but didn’t, he or she may be liable for what happened. That said, remember that Massachusetts operates under a modified comparative negligence model, meaning that as long as liability on your part is less than 51%, you could recover at least some in damages.

Slip and Fall, Nolo
Massachusetts Court Changes Slip and Fall Liability, Insurance Journal, July 28, 2010

More Blog Posts:
Traumatic Brain Injuries, Broken Bones Can Happen During Boston Slip and Fall Accidents on Ice or Snow, Boston Injury Lawyer Blog, January 20, 2013
Boston Slip and Fall Accidents in Stores Can Lead to Massachusetts Injury Lawsuits, Boston Injury Lawyer Blog, August 16, 2011

Report Shows 32 Workers Died in Massachusetts Workplace Accidents in 2012, Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation, April 26, 2013

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