
Blackstone Woman Wins $6.4 Million Massachusetts Medical Malpractice Verdict

A woman has won a $6.4 million Massachusetts medical malpractice verdict in court. Kimberly Monson, a Blackstone resident, claims that her doctor neglected to treat her properly when she developed a potentially dangerous condition when she was pregnant and as a result, suffered brain damage. Her medical malpractice lawsuit named Dr. Elizabeth Konig and the obstetrician’s former medical practice, Dedham Medical Associates, as defendants.

Monson was 38-years-old and 35 weeks pregnant with her second child when she saw Konig. Monson was experiencing preeclampsia, which affects pregnant woman and can result in high blood pressure.

Preeclampsia is treatable but Monson contends that because Konig neglected to treat her condition correctly, it became so serious that Monson experienced brain bleed. Her baby, fortunately, was delivered safely.

Obstetricians and gynecologists are supposed to provide pregnant and new moms with a certain standard of care. When errors result in injury to the mom, fetus, or newborn baby, the injured parties may have grounds for filing a Massachusetts medical malpractice lawsuit. Errors may include:

• Screening or testing mistakes involving CAT-scans, pap smears, ultrasounds, etc.
Failure to diagnose cervical cancer
• Failure to treat eclampsia • Failure to diagnose gestational diabetes • Abortion-related medical mistakes • Mistakes when treating gestational hypertension
Preparing for the birth of your baby is an exciting and important time. If you or your baby were injured in Massachusetts because your obstetrician, gynecologist, or another medical professional made a mistake, there are legal remedies available to you that can allow you to receive medical malpractice compensation.

Woman wins $6.4M verdict in malpractice suit,, March 20, 2009
Related Web Resources:
Preeclampsia Foundation

Prenatal Care, Medline Plus

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