
$4.3 Million Massachusetts Personal Injury Verdict Awarded to Man Injured When Snowplows Pushed Snow Onto His Truck

A Plymouth County jury awarded Mark Lambert $4.3 million for Massachusetts personal injuries he sustained when snowplows pushed a heavy load of snow off a highway overpass on January 17, 2005. The snow, which an expert witness compared to a 3-b-8 foot block of concrete, struck Lambert’s Mack truck on Route 44, crushing his vehicle.

Lambert, who owns Rainbow Fruit stores, sustained serious back injuries. He claims that he has experienced constant pain since the 2005 car crash. He is unable to work and has had to undergo back surgeries.

The defendant of this Massachusetts injury lawsuit is PA Landers. In 2008, the company was ordered to pay the state $3 million and the federal government $900,000 for overcharging for the asphalt that was used during the Big Dig project. The company was accused of generating bogus weight slips for truckloads of asphalt over an eight-year period.

PA Landers also settled two other motor vehicle crash lawsuits in 2006 and 2007.

Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries can permanently impact a victim’s life. In addition to seriously painful and disabling or disfiguring injuries, the injured party may no longer be able to work, live independently, tend to daily tasks, or participate in daily activities. The victim’s career may be over, resulting in the loss of income and benefits, and personal relationships may be damaged. Loved ones also suffer as a result of the changes and losses the injured person must endure.

If someone else’s negligence contributed to your Boston injury accident, you may have grounds for suing the liable party or parties.

Mass. man crushed by snow gets $4.3 million jury award, MassLive, May 20, 2010
Jury awards $4.3m to man hurt when snow pushed off bridge,, May 20, 2010

Related Web Resources:
Injury and Accident Overview, Justia
PA Landers

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