
18-Year-Old Injured in Fall Accident Through Skylight in Fraternity House at MIT

According to Boston Fire Department officials, an 18-year-old man sustained injuries when he fell through the skylight of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at MIT. The drop to the first-floor staircase where he landed four stories. Police say that the man suffered injuries.

Since the Cambridge, Massachusetts fall accident, there have been reports that the man may have been jumping on the Plexiglas dome over the skylight when he fell through. However, the fraternity received a citation for its “illegal rooftop deck.” According to one fraternity news site, MIT’s Phi Sigma Kappa has advertised parties on that deck before.

Fall Accidents
Fall accidents can lead to serious injuries, especially when they occur from elevated heights. It is the responsibility of building owners, managers, and supervisors to make sure that they keep the risk of a fall accident minimal for visitors, owners, residents, and patrons. This includes meeting safety and code regulations and keeping up proper maintenance so no fall hazards arise. Screens on windows, secure banisters, guardrails, properly constructed decks, proper lighting, and warning signs can also prevent fall accidents.

Massachusetts Personal Injury
If you or someone you love was injured in a Boston fall accident on someone else’s property, and you think negligence involving another party was a factor, you should speak with one of our experienced Massachusetts premises liability lawyers right away.

Massachusetts applies a modified comparative negligence system with a 51% rule-which means that even if an injured person played a part in causing his/her injury, if another party was found 50% liable or more, a victim may still be entitled to damages.

Teen falls four stories through skylight at MIT frat house,, September 12, 2013
MIT Student Jumps Up and Down on Fraternity Skylight, Falls 4, Total Frat Move

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